SHS Cleats has 6 categories of cleats within our products these categories are listed below, you may click on the images or title of the categories below to transfer to the configuration types within these categories then clicking on the item image in the next page that opens will take you to our shop for that item.
A slideshow of some of our products can be viewed to the left.
SHS timber beam cleats are perfect for attaching timber verandah beams, roof beams and stairway landing bearers to shs posts.
SHS Timber Beam-Top Plate Cleats are ideal for supporting timber floor bearers on shs columns.
SHS – Baseplates are ideal for supporting shs columns either embedded into concrete piers or on top of concrete pads or piers.
The SHS-PFC Beam cleats are used in verandah beams, roof beams and areas where you need to cater for some extra load and require a galvanised PFC channel beam to connect to an SHS post.
These steel Rod bracing cleats are perfect for sub-floor bracing, and also used in applications of house raising.
These steel angle bracing cleats are perfect for sub-floor bracing, steel framed bracing bays for high wind loads, small communication towers etc.