Effective strategies for regression testing in agile environments


As the technology landscape continues to evolve, the software development industry is experiencing a shift from traditional waterfall models to more flexible agile environments. The city of Mohali, renowned for its IT and software services industry, is no exception. Among the numerous processes intrinsic to software development, regression testing represents a critical component, particularly within agile environments. The discussion on the effective strategies for regression testing in agile environments in Mohali is worthy due to three reasons: the rapid growth of the software development industry in Mohali, the increasing adoption of agile methodologies, and the critical role of regression testing in ensuring software quality (Pezze & Young, 2007 [^1^]).

– Agile methodologies offer a flexible and iterative approach to software development.
– Regression testing ensures that new changes do not negatively impact existing functionalities.

The Agile Environment and Regression Testing

Effective Strategies for Regression Testing in Agile Environments

Case Studies: Regression Testing in Mohali’s Software Industry

Challenges and Opportunities


[^1^]: Pezze, M., & Young, M. (2007). Software testing and analysis: process, principles, and techniques. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220414107_Software_Testing_and_Analysis_Process_Principles_and_Techniques

The structure for the rest of the article includes investigating the relationship between agile environments and regression testing, discussing effective strategies for regression testing in these environments, presenting case studies from Mohali’s software industry, exploring the challenges and opportunities, and concluding the discussion. Each section will be supported by relevant academic and industry research sources, with a special emphasis on .org and .edu domains for credibility.

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