Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

2023 Perch Fee: $50/ bird due upon arrival – NON REFUNDABLE.
Any pigeon sent without perch fees can be sold at race owners discretion.

Entry Fee: $600 Activation Fee/ Bird due after 100 mile activation trainer. Any bird
not returning from activation race will have activation fee refunded.

Accepting birds Feb 27th – May 15th, 2023.

All Birds MUST HAVE a PMV Vaccine 14-21 days prior to arrival to the New York Pigeon Derby’s Loft.

Perch Fees must accompany birds upon arrival. Failure to send perch fee with the birds may result
in the immediate sale of the birds or non-entry of the birds into the system.

Training will begin in July (date to be determined by Casimago).

Training and Races will be a South Course.

Activation Training race will be 100 Miles. All birds completing the 100 activation race will be required to pay the “Activation Fee” of $200 per bird. Failure to pay the “Activation Fee” will result in the sale of unpaid birds. Any bird sold for the activation fee will then become property of the buyer and breeder relinquishes all rights to the bird and any prize or auction money. All birds on the team must be activated. It is an “All or Nothing” activation.

Breeders are responsible for making the Activation Payment within 7 days of Activation Race. Email updates and website updates will be posted after the 100 Mile Activation Race with payment information including ways to pay and deadline.

Race Series will consist of 4 races 125 Miles, 160 Miles, 220 Miles, and 360 mile. (Activation race does not count towards Average Speed.)

360 Mile Race will be the Final Race and can be shortened or lengthened dependent upon weather conditions by the race manager (Jason Charles).

All prize money must be claimed by Dec 30, 2023.

New York Pigeon Derbyis not responsible for any loss of birds due to illness, injury, or failure to return from trainings or races.

FINAL RACE ONLY! Arrival of the first pigeons together will be considered a drop and paid equally – (if 3 pigeons arrive together – the top 3 prizes will be added together and split evenly among the first 3 pigeons). If one pigeon does not trap that arrived with the first pigeons this pigeon will be considered on the drop until another pigeon arrives. All other prizes will be paid by clocking order.

125 Mile, 160 Mile, 220 Mile Races will be paid by clocking order.

There is no dead time during races, clock will keep running until race is finished.

Race Day is over 1 hr after sunset on the 2nd day from release. Any remaining prizes to be paid out will be divided equally amongst the returned birds.

If two or more birds show in the clock as exact ties, prizes will be added up and split equally among the birds that tied. If bird does not clock due to piggy back or clock/chip malfunction and Hoosier Classic Staff verifies the bird in the drop it will be placed last in the drop order.

Any unforeseen circumstances will be settled by Jason Charles. In case of a Natural Disaster or Catasrophic Event requiring the cancellation of the race(s), birds will be shipped back to the breeder at breeders expense. Prize money would be divided equally for the remaining races among pigeons still competing.

Ace pigeons will be verified by the clock, computed on total distance/total time.

Average Speed will determine the Ace Pigeon Champion Birds and will include the 125, 160, 220, and 360 Mile Races.

Top 100 birds clocked on the 360 Mile Race and the Top 10 Ace Pigeons will be auctioned off on iPigeon 14 days after final race. Breeder receives 50% of the auction monies. A Pedigree Must Be Provided to receive 50% of the Auction Proceeds. Pedigrees must be a minimum of 2 Generations.

Breeders/Fanciers winning over $600 in prizes will be required to provide a W9 form to New York Pigeon Derby.

Breeders winning over $600 in prizes from outside the United States will be required to fill out the appropriate paperwork according to the country they reside (Ex: Canada W8-BEN).

Any and All birds being returned after races to breeder will be required to have shipping expenses paid by the breeder/fancier. Shipping expenses will be determined per breeder due to recent increases in shipping fees within the United States Postal Service.

New York Pigeon Derby WILL NOT HOLD CHECKS for payments of perch fees or activation.

Any Check returned NSF will be charged a $35.00 NSF Fee.

New York Pigeon Derby is not responsible for processing fees for the use of PayPal or Credit Card. The use of PayPal and Credit Cards are a convenience set up by Hoosier Classic for those that choose to use them. Processing Fees are Non-Refundable.

New York Pigeon Derby will not make changes to loft names after May 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS.

When signing up for a team or syndicate, 1 person must be designated as contact person.

Any and all birds being returned after races to breeder will be required to have shipping expenses paid by the breeder/fancier. Shipping expenses will be determined per breeder due to recent increases in shipping fees within the United States Postal Service.

New York Pigeon Derby is not responsible for delayed/lost shipping within USPS System and will not file for refund of shipping if not delivered on time. All Birds Returning Home Must Be Claimed within 10 DAYS of the final race. After 10 days, birds will become property of New York Pigeon Derby.

Birds will not be shipped home until after the 400 mile race. All birds will be shipped to the registered name on Wincompanion whether it is a Partnership, Syndicate, etc. We will no longer divide teams to go to multiple people, or ship multiple lofts together. The volume of birds going home is to difficult to keep track of.

“For Sale” Birds

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
